Manager: Ms. Kayt Cooper / Mrs. Michele Ince
Location: P. O. Box 487, Castries, St. Lucia
Contact: 1 -758 – 450 – 0300
Email: acw@candw.lc / talktous@awesomecaribbeanweddings.com
Website: www.awesomecaribbeanweddings.com

Location: Windward Road, Cap Estate, Gros Islet |
Mailing: P.O. Box 1402, Castries
Contact: 1 – 758 – 716 – 0673/1-758-7175035/716 1163
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CapEstateGardenWeddings
Email : capgardenweddings@gmail.com
Company Description: Stony Hill can provide the perfect setting for a wide range of special events. In the past seven years, as well as many weddings, we have hosted formal dinner parties for business and incentive groups, business luncheons, whole day business retreats, trade shows, birthday, retirement and christening parties, the launch of an international music CD, a weekend retreat for advance yoga studies and extensive celebrations to mark the opening of a multibillion dollar hotel development.
Manager: Mrs Cynthia Soni
Location: Gros Islet
Contact: 1 – 758 – 452 – 6002
Email: soni@stonyhillstlucia.com
Website: www.stonyhillstlucia.com