Operations Manager: Mrs. Andylena Glace
Location: Rodney Bay, St. Lucia
Contact: 1 (758) 460-6794 / 450-2744
Email: a.glace@thepearlslu.com
Website: http://the-pearl.webflow.io/

Manager: Mr Chris / Mrs. Jacqui Hackshaw
Location: Rodney Bay, St. Lucia
Contact: 1 (758) 4530553
Email: sales@hackshaws.com
Website: www.hackshaws.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hackshawboat.charters?fref=ts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HackshawBoats
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD_hr1Ykt2q6SjfsH5YcMcg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hackshawsboatcharters/?modal=true

Manager: Mr Hugh Cooper
Location: P. O. Box GM 617, Castries, St. Lucia
Contact: 1 – 758 – 450 – 8651
Email: catsltd@candw.lc
Website: www.stluciaboattours.com

Manager: Mr. Cyprian Vialva
Location: P. O. Box RB 2605, Castries, St. Lucia
Contact: 1 – 758 – 458 – 0523 / 1 – 758 – 461 – 6216
Email: charlievictor54@hotmail.com
Company Description: Jus’ Sail is St Lucia’s top rated authentic sailing experience, offering unique Caribbean day sailing experiences, romantic sunset cruises, transfers between hotels in the North to the South and special events such as proposals & weddings aboard our lovingly restored Carriacou Sloop ~ Good Expectation. Simply the most comfortable and relaxing way to enjoy a sail along St Lucia’s stunning coastline.
Manager: Mr. James Crockett
Telephone Number: 1 758 458-0069/ 1 758 287-1071
Location: P.O. Box RB 2472
Email Address: sail@jussail.com
Website: www.jussail.com